A Good Man Will…

The majority of being a good man is being good to yourself and doing and being to your friends and those you call brother.

It is that simple: to continually treat your brothers with fairness and use logic and truth as your guide, respect and trust will constantly develop.

You want to have friends for a lifetime. You need to keep these things in mind; if these were not in mind in your old friendships, you might have lost friends or bothers, and if you haven't lost them yet, you will.

No man wants to be used, fooled, leveraged, or lied to. Men worth their salt don't create drama over meaningless things, but we do remember who treated us fairly, who used logic while solving a problem and who shared the truth of things with us.

Seek Knowledge & Grow Strong.


Get Lost in the Work


The blessings of brotherhood, the blessings of friendship, the blessing of family.