A man should consistently practice the use of his reason and logic.
A man should consistently practice the use of his reason and logic. You will need both to navigate the emotional traps to control you, and there are many.
Emotions are used and flipped on their head as weapons to confuse and distract men at this time, it won't be the last time, and it is not the first.
The emotional variables are leveraged in politics, business, and relationships to create the necessary pressure to react in the desired way by whoever wants to control the outcome. The greatest weapon I see being used against men now is guilt. Social guilt that is unearned, with no facts or data of you being guilty, but only screaming uncontrolled emotions of various social classes.
I am sure it will change to something different when men become aware of it and turn that faucet of poison off. Maybe it will be shame or indifference about things they feeeeeeel we do not care enough about or care too much about.
Slogans like "Eat the Rich," while desiring to be rich as if it is a sin to want to have money, is the dumbest thing I have read and seen. Having wealth isn't fair because not everyone can have it? Building wealth in a business is terrible? Should every business's end goal be to turn into a none profit?
I am not rich by many standards, I desire to be, and I do not feel guilty about it, not for a second. I would not point a guilty finger at a man who works to build his wealth and say he is the cause of my problems, he works too efficiently, he works too much, it is his fault I cannot produce anything. If he could stop or slow down so I could have a chance too. Get the KUCF out of here with that noise.
Be proud if you are a man who has work and gets paid well for it. There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with it. If you are not there yet, get better at your work, and you will be paid better.
Feel no guilt for having work or for receiving an excellent or fair wage.
Seek Knowledge & Grow Strong.