Suffering is not a virtue. Enduring it, overcoming it is.

Suffering is not a virtue but a part of the process; do not use it as one or confuse it for one. Get through it and move on.

If you find yourself being a man who worships pain, you will make yourself sick and blame others for it.

Endurance is a virtue. Endure the pain if there is any to endure.

There is no need to battle with other men about whose pain was worse or as if it is a victory to have suffered more than the man next to you and brag about it like you had won the lottery, but you had not.

Do not let your suffering define you or create bitterness in your heart. Suffer as is needed to accomplish or change what needs to be changed or completed.

Acknowledge it was part of the journey to the goal, to the transformation; everything has a price; pay it and then let it go. Do not hate the cost; consider yourself fortunate to have found out what the cost was; many men do not even know how to pay for the things they desire or what they desire.


A man should consistently practice the use of his reason and logic.


What about the truth?